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Here's a Little Taste of What One (YOU) Can Expect at one of Coach Rawle's Practices




Feel The Heat Track Club


Mesa, AZ USA




The Warm-up

Remember: You use your whole body to sprint!

4 Laps of progressive 100 meter Strides on straight - walk the curve or vice versa.

Each 100 meter should be faster than the previous one.


Dynamic Stretching


  •      Neck Rolls Right/Left

  •      Arm Swings Forward/Back/Up/Down

  •      Hip Rotation Right/Left

  •      Trunk Twist

  •      Knee Rotations (I call this the skiing drill, my athletes think it's hilarious)

  •      Ankle Rotations

  •      Leg Swings - Side to Side and Front to Back - Getting progressively  higher 

    (Don't force this drill)


Form - Technique - Sprint Drills

(there are a thousand drills to choose from - choose your own, but do them correctly)


  •      Arm Swings

                   (my most important drill - try doing this looking at yourself in mirror)


  •      High Knees - Fast

  •      High Knees Butt Kick

  •      Cross overs

  •      Quick Straight Feet or Toy Soldiers

  •      Fast Skips

  •      Backwards Strides

  •      Forward Strides

  •      Stick Drill - 20 sticks or cones (proper spacing for your stride length)


Put spikes or training flats on

2-5 Strides in spikes/flats


Main Workout

Our Focus - Alactic (Pure Speed) Training Session

These are run at 95%-98% (no one runs 100% in practice)

Run through the finish line

90 secs to 3 mins rest between reps and 5 to 8 mins between sets

2 x 10m

2 x 20m 

2 x 30m

2 x 40m

2 x 50m

2 x 60m  


The Forgotten But All Important Cool-Down

2 - 4 laps of easy jog/walk on grass going clockwise

Sit-ups (core work), push-ups, pull-ups

PNF (proprioceptive muscular facilitation) Stretching (with partner, stretch-rite, towel, rope or belt)

Static Stretching (what everyone is use to doing)

Ice, ice bath, massage, now rest and relax and let your body heal and get stronger and faster. The rest and recovery is the time when the body does its thing.  This is when you gain your speed, when you are doing nothing that has to do with training.


*Congratulate yourself on a job well done!



5K, 10K & Beyond Speed Workout

(yes distance runners need speed too)


15 - 20 minute Warm-up  

Same as above for Dynamic Stretch & Drills



Main Workout

Our Focus -  Speed Training Sessions

These are run at 95%-98% (no one runs 100% in practice)


2 x 3 x 300 (run first 300 a little slower than 800 race pace, each one should be at least two (2) seconds faster and the last 300 much faster than 800 race pace.

Rest is about 1 1/2 to 3 minutes slow jog


4 x 300/100 (run 300's well below 800 race pace - rest 1 min and run 100 all out concentrating on maintaining your form.

Rest is 3 -5 mins jog/walk in between sets


10-12 x 400 @ your mile race pace

Rest is 1 1/2 to 2 minutes slow jog


Breakdown - 350, 300, 250, 200, 150, 120, 100, 75 - fast with 5 minutes active recovery (jog/walk).



The Forgotten But All Important Cool-Down

4 laps of easy jog/walk on grass going clockwise or on grass train away from track.

4-8 x 100 meter stride on grass - preferably bare foot.


Sit-ups (core work), push-ups, pull-ups

PNF (proprioceptive muscular facilitation) Stretching (with partner, stretch-rite, towel, rope or belt)

Static Stretching (what everyone is use to doing)

Ice, ice bath, massage


Go home - Eat Well - Rest Well


Recovery Run - Example
Hopefully you got a good night sleep (at least 7-9 hours worth)

30-40 minutes easy (but not slow please, we don't want "JUNK" miles)
4-6 miles
6-10 x 100m strides on grass, trails or canal (stay off asphalt, cement etc)
Sit-ups, Push-ups & Pull-ups


(Need a long (at least 100 meters & Steep Hill)



The Warm-up

8-10 minute Jog/Stride on a trail, grass or soft surface. If you have to go on roads so be it. Each Stride should be faster than the previous one. this really gets the blood and breathing flowing.


Dynamic Stretching

  •      Neck Rolls Right/Left

  •      Arm Swings Forward/Back/Up/Down

  •      Hip Rotation Right/Left

  •      Trunk Twist

  •      Knee Rotations (I call this the skiing drill, my athletes think it's hilarious)

  •      Ankle Rotations

  •      Leg Swings - Side to Side and Front to Back - Getting progressively  higher 

    (Don't force this drill)

  •      Lunges, Jump Ups (reach for the sky) etc. etc.


Form - Technique - Sprint Drills

(there are a thousand drills to choose from - choose your own, but do them correctly)


  •      Arm Swings

                   (my most important drill - try doing this looking at yourself in mirror)


  •      High Knees - Fast

  •      High Knees Butt Kick

  •      Cross overs

  •      Quick Straight Feet or Toy Soldiers

  •      Fast Skips

  •      Backwards Strides

  •      Forward Strides

  •      Fast Strides 2-4


The Hill Workout (we train at ASU "A" Mountain)

3 x 10 meters (2 mins rest between) 
2 x 30 meters (3 mins rest between) 
2 x 60 meters (5 mins rest between)


Middle/Distance Hill Workout

5 x Bottom to Middle Section or 100 meters (Rest Walk Down then 2-3 mins)


You want to recover fully so you can do the next repetition just as fast or faster.

Remember, it's a Speed, Power and Strength workout, not an endurance one.


Take your rest and run these fast. Lean into the hill, run on the balls of your feet, drive your knees and pump those arms.


Of all the workouts we do, Coach Rawle consider's hill training the overall best one hands down. This gets and keeps us in tip top shape without a doubt. You also end up getting some other added benefits out of it, such as, incredible body tone, fat reduction and the pure joy of training outdoors as the planes go overhead and people come up to you stating, "you guys/gals are incredible." "you people are crazy, you run up here?"

People are in awe when they see us running up the hill.


Good luck to you all.

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